Dec 29, 2010

hang out

pukol 10 pagi siapsiap nk pegi banda. hang out ngn purple. megamega. haha. tp lately aku yg tinggal purple sebab dyorg cm tamaw lyn aku jep. tp, do I care? then aku pon jalan dlm mega ngn cousin aku. baru nk kuar dari mega nk pegi ECM, ternmpak dak hensem kawan pade MR.K. haha. so cute. but, ta wat pape pon. teros kuar pegi ECM. huhu. nk pegi ECM, bapak la jaoh nye memusing. ta ingt jln. haha. wat penat kaki je. smpaismpai ECM, pegi msok kdai aksesori beli smthng yg aku mmg nk sgtsgt. dah beli tu, pegi cari mkn jap. kitorg just mkn jagung je. saje nk merase. lame xmkn. tgatga mkn, dan dan jumpe set set purple. teros pusing belah lain sbb ke kat dyorg nk balek. haha. penipukan?? da siap mkn tu, da pukol 4 lebeyh. teros pegi jalan kat kedai yg ade jual baju. pastu jumpe satu kdai yg mmg jual baju, cntek punye. teros beli. da beli tu, jalan kat Malay Town, cari adiah tok akak lak. mase nga cari tu, jumpe pulak gelang kaki, cntek. ape lagi, amek due, tok aku satu, tok akak satu. mase da nk dekat kol 5. cepatsepat cari barang lain tok mak aku. tp malangnye, ta jumpe. tape la. len kali kuar lagi. bile pegi kat tempat bas, bas nk balek indra pure da tade. so, naek bas pekan. smpai je kat umah, penat gile. kirekire bape duet abes. da kire tu, teros on9 sekejap, then tido. smpai pagi ni. bgonbgon, smbg on9 smpai sekarang. memang gile on9 la aku ni. haha.

Dec 24, 2010


Yesterday, I got everything I want for year 2010. Huh. Thnx god! It抯 unbelievable. Stakat sepupu sepapat aku and anakanak kenalan mak aku, aku je yg dpt straight A抯. mesti mak aku bangge gile kan. Tp, aku x boleh buat kalau parents aku x bagi galakan kat aku. Time wat KKS and KKG, dyorg banyak berhabis duit tok itu. Walaupon aku buat bodobodo jep. Thnx a lot mom, dad. Without both of you, I'll never success like this. Ingat lagi mase nk amek result. Aku ni dah macam kucing hilang anak. Dudok xdiam sebab aku x yakin ngan diri aku sendiri. Diorang still bagi aku semangat. Diorang ckp "xpe if ta dapat sebab kamu dah cube yg terbaik? Terharu sangat!

Semalam, aku xleyh tido semalam sebab berdebar sangatsangat. Mmg la sebelom ni pon aku jarang tido time malammalam. Tapi, aku xtido sebab aku dah tido ptg. Lagipon, aku study Chemist. Aku boleh rilex je bile time study Chemist. Tp semalam, aku study Chemist pon still taleyh buat aku tenang. Dengar lagu tayah ckp r. kat telinge aje earphone. Lagu lak pasang kuatkuat. Still x tenang until pegi mandi and solat suboh. Bile da solat tuh, baru ade selere nk makan walaupon sikit. Pukol lapan pagi, pegi iron baju sekolah and siapsiap nk pegi sekolah. Pukol lapansetengah tu, aku da siap segalegalenye. Dudok mmg ta diam. Maen hamster la, maen kucing la. Smpai kol sembilan lebeyh, abang aku anta aku and membermember aku pegi sekolah. Bile time tunggu nk masok dewan, sume wat galokgalok untok tenangkan hati sendiri. Gelakgelak. Ingat memori lame. Cite time cuti wat ape la. Sume mendemende lucu jeh yg kitorg fikir. Bile dah masok dewan, sume diam x bersuare. Kitorg birbiru la. Diorang still bising macam biase. Kitorg memang diam gile. X pernah sediam tuh. Cikgu pon naik stage ckapckap ckit. Cikgu suke sangatsangat sebab batch aku ni dah naikkan GPS, kedudukan sekolah bagi daerah kuantan, naikkan peratus keseluruhan A. Seronok tengok cikgu happy. Tapi kitorg still membisukan diri. First, cikgu annouce bagi yg dapat 7A. unbelievable bile aisha yg cntek tuh dapat 7A. Selalunye, dy mesti ade failed satu or due subject. Mase tuh aku da tkot da sebab budakbudak yg dapat 7A tuh sume budak yg tak disangkesangke. Aku tkot name aku x announce. Pastu naik name 8A. Bile cikgu sebot name Zairani, aku tros dah give up sebab cikgu dah sebot bagi kelas rajin. Sepatotnye, name aku kene ade dekat kelompok 3Aktif. Then, tibetibe cikgu panggil name aku. Ketor xyah ckp r. rase nk jatoh je bile naik stage. Kawankawan sepupu aku wat jeritjrit bile name aku kene announce. Mesti cousin aku start dulu. Kalau x, xkn la membermember die nk jerit xtentu pasal name aku sbb aku mane care boy kelas bawah kan. Walaupon MR.R kelas bawah. Huu. Pas turon stage, teros pegi kat cikgu Zaiton. Muke dy merah je. Aku teros salam ngan dy. Xsangke sangat. Dy pon x sangke aku dapat sebab aku la paling bengong antare kawan birubiru aku. Bile kuar dewan, teros pegi talipon mak aku. Ingat nk buat suspen. Ruperupenye dy dah tahu. Cis! Sibok pegi tanye cikgu Faridah. Tahulah cikgu Faridah tu anak sedare dy. Hmm. Bile balek rumah tu, teros pelokpelok ngn kakak aku pulak. Seronok sangatsangat. Pastu, baru ade selere nk makan. Makan macam or x mkn setahon. Nasik la, roti la, biskot la. Aiskrim lagi. Gile sangatsangat. Pas makan, solat then nk tido sebab tibetibe rase ngantok. Tibetibe bapak aku balek. Dy tanye mane result aku. Aku pon berlakon. Buat muke sedeyh kate xdapat straight A's. bapak aku boleh ckp ape taw "xpe. Ti SPM wat elokelok pulak. Tp still bagi slip tuh kat dy. Bile dy nk bukak smpul surat tuh, teros lari masok bilik. Bapak aku xyah ckp r. terkejot berok. Teros naik bilik aku pelok aku kuatkuat. Lucu sangat. Pastu, aku pon da terase xlarat. Teros tido sampai magrib. Xsolat asar pon. Bungek. Malam tuh, sume dok berkumpol kat umah celebrate aku. Makanmakan sambil tengok cite hantu. Parents aku yg tengah pokai tu still nk beli something sbb nak celebrate punye pasal. Terharu aku. Huhu. Sebelom makan tuh, ade sesi nanges jap ngan bapak and abang aku. Sedeyh aku. Huhu. Dah abes sesi nanges tu, kitorg pon makan sakan r kan. Org tengok cite hantu tkottkot. Kitorg boleyh gelak tengok cite hantu tu. Kelakor betol. Pas da makan buat kek pulak. First time wat krim kek. Main je tahu. Tulis tu. Tulis ni. Sedap sangatsangat. Gile r. moment yg memang aku x lupe punye. Sebab mase aku dapat result UPSR dulu, parents aku x berie sangat macam ni. Maybe sebab dulu, dyorg bagi hadiah je kat aku. Duet yg aku akan dapat ni, aku da ckp awal kat mak aku yg aku nk beli MP4. Xkire. Aku nk beli jugak. Haha. Tunggu MP4 merah itam. Kaw akan jd milik aku nanti. Haha.

Dec 23, 2010


Aish . tension nye arini . sume sebab result . risaw sangat smpai otak jd stress . bungek btol la . bile tension , taleyh nk tido . bile taleyh nk tido rase nk maen game . bile da bosan maen game , rase mcm nk msg org . bile nk msg , mlas nk taip . so , bile mlas nk taip , nk ckp je . bile nk kol org , otak jd blank balek nk tepon sape . bile otak jd blank mule rase nk makan org . lastlast tido jugak aku .Bile bgon tido petang td , ade msg la . ade mskol la . dari orgorg yg berlainan . nk care balek mesti pke berjuta kali . lastlast tepon jugak budak tuh . arini rase tade mood ngn dy . org nk ckp ngn dy nk kasi hati aku relax sbb budak tuh pandai me 憆ilex?kan hati org . but arini , menyaketkan hati . teros letak tanpe berkatekate . menyampah . bile pergi roundround IM , jumpe org yg x sepatotnye . saket nye jiwe aku . Tuhan je la tahu . kalaw bunoh diri tu x murtad , msti dah lameaku mati x hidophidop . Harini , everything menentukan mase depan aku . just wait and see sameade aku success ataw sebaleknye . aku da mule rase putos ase . rase nk give up je dari life ni . kan best kalaw hati aku ni mcm hati cousin aku yg adam tuh . senang hati je . xyah peke pape . rilex je result nk kuar . pastu bole siap ngadengade lagi . taik betol diri aku ni . coward !KAN BEST KALAW AKU DILAHIRKAN SEBAGAI LELAKI . WALAUPON BESAR TANGGUNGJAWAB , BUT MAYBE BOLEH DILAKSANEKAN DENGAN BAEKBAEK . SBB LELAKI ZAMAN SEKARANG AGAK S****D ! OPS . BUKAN AGAK BUT TOTALLY S****D !! HATE BOY HATE BOY !

Dec 22, 2010

Arini x mimpi pon kat MR. R . yela . cm mane nk mimpi kalaw x tido kan ? huhu . guess ape aku buat smpai x tido mlm nih ? STUDY !! haha . bapok nk menunjok nye . CHEMIST ni bes la pulak . stakat yg aku dah belek , sume senang . enjoy pon enjoy sbb mende da blaja mase lower form . cume bile naek upper form ni , dy lagi detail . haha . seronok nye . but , takot sekejap je oke . lamelame blank . haha . aku salu cm tuh . mulemule selok . da lame ti bosan r . sbb tu aku taleyh couple lamelame . cepat bosan . huhu . pade ex aku yg bace ni , mintak maaf la ek . bukan saje nk bosan . but da terbosan . sorry sangatsangat . ish . huduh prangai aku ni . ptot la tade laki nk kat aku . hahahaha . tp , ade aku kesah ke dyorg nk ke tak . sbb aku pon tade hati kat manusiemanusie yg ber gende male . x suke . sume poyopoyo . haha . lelaki yg bace , saye mintak maaf la sbb mulot lancang saye . huu ~~

CHEMIST ! CHEMIST ! CHEMIST ! matter is chemical . haha . terbawakbawak pulak chemistry dlm blog neh . ni tandenye aku x sabo nk pegi sekola . tp , sekolah laen . bukan PANGLIME . aku x rela stay panglime . bnyk mnde yang boleh wat aku khayal . sedeyh nanti . budak tuh . budak ni . mamat tuh . mamat nih . ish . tamaw aku . mengerikan . nanti aku xleyh tunaikan azam aku . nk jadi budak baek + bijak . nk jd top student mcm abg mirol , kak kiro . miss form 5 batch 2009 . abg ikhwan ngn kak iman . abg mirol ngn kak nina . keri ngn najwa . paling best pinky rr . salu ejekejek aku . form 5 batch tu , yg rapat ngn aku , mesti panggil aku MIJAH . sume pinky punye pasal . dy yg stat dulu . abg ikhwan dari panggil aku miza jd mijah . ape la . huhu . teringat memori lame la pulak . haha . pape yang penting , aku rindu sangat nk jumpe dyorg sume . sume bijakbijak .Tadi , aku tido dalam pukol 9 mlm until 11 mlm . bile bgon tuh , rase lapor tahap cipan . teros turon n melantak biskot . sementare tunggu bubor masak kan . makan biskot dulu . kenyang . da makan baru teringat nk solat itu ini . patotnye pas bgon teros buat . ni , da melantak ssumesume baru nk buat . apela . tu la . setan da melekat kat diri seniri smpai x utamekan ape yg penting dulu . hish . hope tahon 2011 boleh ubah perangai burok aku ni . hmm . skunk da pukol lime sepuloh pagi . nk tido alangalang nk suboh . x tido skunk , nnty x tido dah . nk kuar bandar lak pagi ti . adoi . pening la kepale aku esok . huu ==?Ohye . mase tido tu , again aku mimpi result exam . keputusan dy , 5A+ . hmm . result PMR ke tu ? hope PMR la . hadoi . one day left !! aigoo .. takot sangatsangat ni . nk nanges rase . nk jerit pon ade . nk lompat ade . nk ckp sorangsorang pon ade jugak . fikiran bercelaru . hmm . bak kate BUDAK MANJE , idop ke chillax?. okeoke . aku chillax dulu . bye !! morning ~~~

Dec 21, 2010

nta ~

Sengil chukka hamnida unnie . u'ree 20 now . huhu . tuee sudaa !
Semalam , msg ngn mr. crazy . em . nk tuka name dy la . mr. crazy kepade budak manje ! haha . budak manje . comelcomel . semalam msg ngn dy . tp x lame pon . dy olwayz msg x habes . at least klo da tamo msg , just ckp bye . xyah r nk stop tibetibe kan . tp aku x mara pon kat dy . tataw nape . xleyh nk mara . budak tuh ade something yang menyebabkan org bole jd mesre ngn dy sekejap je . yela . peramah la katekan . ohyea . maybe dy merajok kot ngn aku . mane x nye . aku ckp kat dy cm ni "tamo r . WAT BAZER KDIT jeh . kalo aawk nk 3G akak bole la .?"gilo . mmg rase mcm rude ayat tuh . tp cm mane aku nk 3G ngn dy sedangkan aku sniri tade 3G . hadoi . budak manje . sorry la . tade niat pon nk rude cm tuh . maenmaen saje . pastu , aku call pon tamo angkat . sedeyh la .

Again !! today , aku mimpi MR. R lagi . nape mesti setiap ari mcm ni ? ade petande ke ? tapi ape ? hadoi . mcm biase . mimpi yg tidak berkatekate . just stare each other . why kamu ? hmm . mimpi mcm tuh menyebabkan aku selalu ingt kat dy . cmne nk lupe kan dy kalo everyday mimpi dy . hmm . but still bersyukor sbb mimpi dy . menyebabkan aku x benci dy . mkin lame , perasaan benci tuh semakin hilang . MR. R , I'M SORRY !!

Two days left . still x fikir nk amek aliran ape tahon depan . kalo ikotkan nk amek sains tulen . but , kalo ikot citecite nk bukak butik la . spa la . kedai yg jual aksesori ppompuan la . but , kalo amek sains tulen , mane ade asas akaun . mane bole bukak kedaikedai mcm tuh . hish . susah nye . mak sowh tuka SMK CENDERAWASIH . sbb kat sane mk bole tolong nk amek akaun and sains tulen . but , kalo masok sane aku akan lonely . satu sekolah ngn adam yg cousin aku tuh . syawal jugak . eii . aku x suke ngn dyorg . lagipon , what if aku x boleh nk bawak duedue subject ?kan memalukan mak aku tuh . berie nk amek due subject tp taleyh bawak . YA
ALLAH , bg la petunjuk kat hambe mu ini .
EM . kat budak manje , sorry la . akak x sengaje keluarkan ayat tuh . MR. R ,
sorry sebab benci awk . LIFE , jd la yg terbaek tok aku . MYZA , hwaiting !!
kuat semangat ngn dugaan yg kecik neh . huhu .YUKI MIHARU

Dec 20, 2010


Aku nih , bnyk berfikir keh ? menurut kajian , apabila kita kerap berfikir tentang sesuatu , apalagi sebelum tidur , kita kemungkinan akan bermimpi tentang perkara yang difikirkan itu . *ceh . padahal reka facts seniri . bohong miza !*

Okehokeh . siyes , sejak kebelakangan nih , aku bnyk bermimpi . paling kerap aku mimpi pasal MR. R . nk kate aku kerap fikir sal dy , tolong la . aku da tade feel nk ingt dy pon . asal ingt dy jeh , msti rase nk mara . ngungek ! ngungek ! ngungek ! dalam mimpi aku mengenai dy , aku ngn dy dalam mimpi tu , akan saling pandang antare satu sama lain . like have something to say , but taleyh nk kuarkan suare . kitekite akan pandang jeh same sniri until org laen menjelme dalam mimpi aku tuh .

Like before , first aku mimpi pasal MR. R la kan . tibetibe muncul awek dy . awek dy just senyum jeh . then aku pon senyum la balek . so cute la awek dy tuh . huhu . tibetibe , aku mimpi adam . yuck ! WTH tibetibe mimpi dy . dahla mimpi aku ngan dy couple . ish . taknak aku couple ngan dy . muke jeh hensem but poyo gile nk mati . iiiyek !! geligeli ! x sangke aku pernah minat adam tuh dulu . huh . name je cousin ngn dy . but xtaw perangai dye . pas da tahu ni , baru tahu nk geligeli . kalo dulu , asal raye , mesti tunggu family dy datang . sematemate nk tgok dy . skunk ni , kalo bole tamo jumpe dy pon . hee ~~

Arini , aku mimpi siwon la . siwon super junior . haha . so comel la . TOUGH pon tough . giler la . cm mane bole mimpi siwon . raserase aku suke heechul suju . bukan siwon suju . weird weird !! miss SUPER JUNIOR a lot !!

Three days left ! aigoo . takot la . ape nk buat ? result . mintakmintak kuar yang baek . aku nk MP4 !! nk sangatsangat . mummy , daddy , omma , appa ! takot . dahla mimpi result PMR failed . bungek nyeh . nyesal aku sbot tahon 2010 aku adelah bad year aku . tengok . sungguhsungguh bad year . first enset ilang . pastu kerete ilang . kene selongkar beg . kelas kene tudoh ade rokok . gado besar ngn BUDAK tuh . putos ngn dy , result trial hancor !!!!!!! nk nanges . nk nanges . huhu . da r . nk nanges dulu . bye blog !!

Dec 19, 2010

nta ~

Rase nk demam ler . hmm . ni demam tkot nk amek result ataw demam rndu ataw demam yg siyesly demam sbb ta sihat ? hope demam sebab mmg ta sihat . haha . today xd text pon dari sapesape . since yesterday , phone ta berbunyi . langsung . hmm . tade org nk text ngn aku rupenye . die pond a start menyepi macam yg kitorg promise . huuuu . rindu die sangatsangat . but , ape bole buat . janji tetap janji . rase da ta sabar pulak nk pkai baju sekolah . rindu nk pakai bju sekolah . xpe . lagi lime hari , aku akan pegi sekola . dengan baju sekolah yg aku rindu sesangat nk pakai tuh . haha . still x peke nk pegi ke x kampong . kalo pegi , first , aku takot dyorg tanye result aku . second , aku tad pt tengok cite feveret aku . dah la sabtu tuh episode last . always camtu . kalo balek kampong bukit udang , msti taleyh tengok tv . ish . benci tol . nape x bertunang minggu ni je ? sblm tarekh amek result . sblm episode last cite aku . eii .

Next year , aku nk amek SAINS TULEN . yg ade bio , pys , chemis , add math and sume subject killer la . ni belom amek result lagi . bile da amek result nnty , baru peke balek nak amek ape . berdasarkan result . hope , result PMR ni aku dpt result terbaek dari yang pernah aku dapat sepanjang tahon 2008 , 2009 and 2010 . paling tinggi result yg aku pernah dapat , 7A 1C . kot la . yg C tu pon science . haish . nape la aku taleyh bijak dalam subject science neh ? kekadang rase fed up nk blaja science . bukan aku x suke science . science ni boleh dikatekan feveret subject aku . although salu tido dlm kelas cikgu Azmah . balek tu , study jugak . bukan nye ta care langsung . dalam banyakbanyak subject , science paling banyak aku study . tp , x pernaperna dapat A . ujian bulanan pon ta dpt A . kalo dpt A pon sbb mintak markah extra ngn cikgu . ish . geramgeram .

Lately , aku salu mimpy MR. R . kekadang tuh , sampai berturutturut mimpy sal dy . harinie mimpi sal dy , esok mimpi lagi . luse mimpi lagi . nk kate aku selalu peke sal dy , xde . skunk aku da semakin melupekan dy . bukan r lupe smpai x ingt teros . cume x laa sebelom tido ingt dy . nk wat pape ngt dy . da x ingt dy sangat cm mse mulemule minat dy dulu . hmm . biarla . mainan tido only !!Lucu gile . perna stu malam neh , aku mimpi tigetige skali . MR. R , MR . CRAZY and ex BF aku . tapi x ingt la pulak mimpi ape . ingt muncol mukemuke tuh aje . haha . lucu bile peke . sampai tige skali dlam satu mimpi . perna jugak mimpi yg aku , jiha and bogi jd SUPERWOMAN . haha . selamat kan ape tah . yg penting lawanlawan . haha . bungek btol .

I"ll find a guy who calls me beautiful instead of hot , who calls me back
when I hang up on him , who will lie under the stars and listen to my heartbeat
, or will stay awake just to watch I sleep .I'll wait for the guy who kisses on
my forehead , who wants to show me off to the world when I am in sweats , who
hold my hand in front of his friends , who thinks I'm just as pretty without
make up on .one who is constantly remind me of how much he cares and how lucky
he is to have me . the one who turns to his friends and says , " that's her

Dec 18, 2010

takot berok

Six days left . aigoo ~ really scare . what if result terok ? mesti malu sesgt . dulu UPSR stret A's dpt . PMR neh ??? hmm . tataw la cmne nk kasi hati relax je . bak kate budak tuh . idop kene chillax?. tah pape . rase cm tamo pegi je amek result nnty . hmm . tp kalo x pegi , taleyh jumpe membermember . miss them a lot . da la 24 smpai 26 kene balek kampong kat bukit udang . kat situ pulak ade minah menjengkelkan . what if dy tnye result aku ? xmaw . ti , kompem dy kutok aku habishabisan . or , my mom akn malu . xmaw pegi ! but , if ta pegi kang kate sombong . hmm . npe msti result di awalkan ? nape x stay je 28 ? ape bgos sgt 23 tuh ? waaa ! nk nanges . nk nanges . huhu . birubiru sume cerdeqcerdeq . kompem dyorg dpt stret punye . aku neh ? oke . stop dulu cite sal result PMR yg mendebarkan tuh .

Semalam , ade ke ptot aku tnye budak tuh , nk jumpe ke x . adoi . ape merasuk tah . bengong pegi tnye . kang dy ingt ade pape pulak . bungekbungek . actually , smpai aarini still peke dy . harap tough kan d . actually , smpai aarini still peke dy . harap tough kan diri sniri jep . kalo ikot nafsu neh , mau aku nanges je . aku xmaw la mnde ni berlarutan lamelame . nape ek ? kalaw berkaitan ngn dy je , msti berlarutan . perna tu smpai stu due minggu moody . tu x jnji nk putos cntct . skunk neh , da jnji putos cntct . msti lagi lame kalaw ikot nafsu x gune neh . urhh ! bo*** nye la aku . nanges hnye sbb mamat tuh . menyesal sgt .
Sesape yg bace blog neh , tolong ler doakan aku xde crush n xde feel nk ade
crush until aku abes study nnty . tolong sesgt . lagi satu , tolong la doakan
result aku yg akan kuar 23 December 2010 neh bgos .

Dec 16, 2010


Six days left . aigoo ~ really scare . what if result terok ? mesti malu sesgt . dulu UPSR stret A’s dpt . PMR neh ??? hmm . tataw la cmne nk kasi hati relax je . bak kate budak tuh . idop kene ‘chillax’ . tah pape . rase cm tamo pegi je amek result nnty . hmm . tp kalo x pegi , taleyh jumpe membermember . miss them a lot . da la 24 smpai 26 kene balek kampong kat bukit udang . kat situ pulak ade minah menjengkelkan . what if dy tnye result aku ? xmaw . ti , kompem dy kutok aku habishabisan . or , my mom akn malu . xmaw pegi ! but , if ta pegi kang kate sombong . hmm . npe msti result di awalkan ? nape x stay je 28 ? ape bgos sgt 23 tuh ? waaa ! nk nanges . nk nanges . huhu . birubiru sume cerdeqcerdeq . kompem dyorg dpt stret punye . aku neh ? oke . stop dulu cite sal result PMR yg mendebarkan tuh .

Semalam , ade ke ptot aku tnye MR. CRAZY tuh , nk jumpe ke x . adoi . ape merasuk tah . bengong pegi tnye . kang dy ingt ade pape pulak . bungekbungek . actually , smpai aarini still peke die. harap tough kan diri sniri jep . kalo ikot nafsu neh , mau aku nanges je . aku xmaw la mnde ni berlarutan lamelame . nape ek ? kalaw berkaitan ngn dy je , msti berlarutan . perna tu smpai stu due minggu moody . tu x jnji nk putos cntct . skunk neh , da jnji putos cntct . msti lagi lame kalaw ikot nafsu x gune neh . urhh ! bo*** nye la aku . nanges hnye sbb mamat tuh . menyesal sgt .
Sesape yg bace blog neh , tolong ler doakan aku xde crush n xde feel nk ade
crush until aku abes study nnty . tolong sesgt . lagi satu , tolong la doakan
result aku yg akan kuar 23 December 2010 neh bgos .


Today , 15 December 2010 , ending my relationship between me and that person . huhu . feel so sad . reallyreally love him . but , what can I do . it’s my fate . love cm mane pon , da jnji ngn diri sniri tamo ade CRUSH . so , I’m single . happy being single .

Mase putoskan relationship ngn dy , xrela langsung . but , I have to . kate org , kalaw dah mmg dah ditakdirkan bersame , lepas la macam mane pon , akan tetap jumpe balek . it’s oke kalo xjumpe balek pon . akuu da wat jahat kat dye . so , akuu rase bersala sgt kat dy . AWAK , SAYE MINTAK MAAF KAY . kamikami da jnji tok ta cntct each other . mmg sedeyh bile akuu wat keputusan cmtuh . tp , akuu terpakse . rase nak nanges sgt . mase tuh , betolbetol need someone to talk . sbb aku tamo nanges . bile aku nanges , mnde tuh akn berlarutan lamelame . aku ta bole jd pompuan cmtuh . aku kene TOUGH ! ta boleyh nangesnanges ni . YEAH ! MIZA KUAT . so , try call cousin yg tahu cite sal dy . unfortunately , dy off fon . rase nk nanges sgt . tataw nk call sape . nk call MR. CRAZY , pke bnykbnyk kali . takot makwe dy mara . mase tuh da amek bear pelok kuatkuat . nk nanges sgtsgt . xtahan ! tibetibe jeh aku cmpak bear tuh and call MR. CRAZY . naseb baek dy otak gilegile . bole wat aku happy although sekejap je ckp ngn dy . THANKS A LOT AWAK ! . di sebabkan MR. CRAZY tuh , smpai sekarang aku x nanges . THNX GILEGILE LAR .

Petang tuh , cousin aku datang . mmg lame gile borak . sume cite kuar . gelak x hentihenti . and disebabkan tuh , aq x nanges berpisah ngn dy .


Tp , dy msg aq jugak mlm neh . ape dy nk ? aq da oke wat hati aq tenteram ngn MR. CARZY . nape msti dy dtg contact aku . aku da delete sume berkaitan dy . no fon , picture , msg . everything . cume untok wat diri aq x sedeyh bile kehilangan dy . hmm . agakagak aq mlampau keh mnx MR. CRAZY jd peneman aq tok sementare ? dy da ade girlfriend . hmm . reallyreally need someone to talk . anybody ???

Dec 15, 2010

feeble minded

900am - 530pm *time aq tido !

Gilo r . bile peke balek , aq neh pompuan ke ? bapok lmbtnye tido . bgn lak mse mthri nk jatoh . mmg gilo miza neh . skunk neh mkin menjadijadi aq . makin lmbt . hmm . swonok jugak when I’m sleeping , tade org kaco . kalo mse duludulu , asal pukol sepulo ke sebelas x bgn lagi mesti da membebel . skunk , dyorg ta kesah . maybe sebab aq baek kot . mane x nye .

*nk prasan jap . pas suboh tadi , tolong mak wat breakfast . pastu , basoh baju , idai baju , kemas rumah , kemas dapor . org laen bgn jeh , umah da siap . my sis pon tap ayah susa nk wat sume tu lagi . da complete . hmm . da siap wat sume tuh , dok dgr radio kat ruang tengah . smbel baring la kan . mse tu la tertido . bukak kipas full . mmg bes la nk tido . perghh . gile . swonokswonok !

Pas bangon tuh , mak mintak tolong pegi kedai . pegi beli laok tok masak malam . so , pegi la mndi n wat segale yg patot . da siap tu , ape lagi an . xkan la nk pegi kdai sowgsowg . then , call kawan ajak teman . da siap belibeli barang , balek r kan . alangalang kitorg da kuar . merayap la . xtaw la kenape , tiap kali kitorg nk pegi jalanjalan , kaki kamikami , msti bwk kitorg pegi taman belakang sekolah SKIM tuh . kitorg pon tataw la kenape msti jd cm tuh . dah la MR.R dok kat rumah areaarea tu . eii . sumpa aq da tamo tengok muke dy . so , jln la jugak kan . mase pegi dy tade . naseb baek . time balek tu dy ade . ape lagi . jenis aq . teros pusing x tolehtoleh . dgn muke benci aq nye . whatever la kan . x penting da .

Mulai saat neh , aq da tamaw ade CRUSH ! CRUSH tu menyaketkan . sepuloh kali aq cinte mati kat manusie tu , aq akan cube halang perasaan aq . hmm . umor 16 tahon mmg tahon mencabar bagi kaum pompuan . tahon gatal pompuan . *bak kate kawan aq la . jd , walau cm mane sekali pon , aq akan halang nafsu aq tok bercinte . *azam tahon baru la kot . GEL !
They say when you are missing someone that they are probably feeling the same,
but I don't think it's possible for you to miss me as much as I'm missing you
right now

Dec 14, 2010


Guess what happen today ? omma ! she gave permission for me to go to swimming pool with my friend . ohh ~ my miracle ! da lme tunggu saatsaat cmni . saatsaat omma bg permission pegi tempattempat cmtuh without parents . just friends ! love it ! love it !

But , still ade yg sdeyh . tahu ape ? can’t swim . funny right when someone who do not know how to swim , went there . all of us just swim like LUNATIC ! huhu . but , do I care ? I had paid to swim there . a lot of cute Chinese there . ‘cuci mate’ ! sume pandai swimming . kitorg jeh sengal maen kat tepitepi . kitorg maen lari dlm air la . tenggelam kat badan la . huhu . ingt , if sink kan badan dlm air , akan float smule . lastlast x naeknaek . Chinese kat situ cm gelakgelak je tgk perangai GILE kitorg . satu swimming pool yg besar tuh , bising dgn jeritjerit bolok kitorg . ikan yu la . ikan josh la . memalukan ! but , it’s a wonderful time cuz went there with my SEWEL friend! BTW , korang gempak gile ! next time pegi lagi .

Hmm . hamper setehon aq lie at someone yg aq sayang gilegile . today , aq wat keputusan tok teros terang ngn dy . hope dy x tnye ape bnde yg aq tipu dy . ckop la aq and cousin aq je yg tahu . soowie for everything !

Kredit fon pon da abes . bile agakagak bole topup lagi ? nk abes kan kredit skejap gile . nk isi balek , berzaman . but , if ade owg yg aq nk sangatsangat contct , teros je aq pegi topup . msti ushe carik money . but skunk , da tade owg yg aq nk msg sangatsangat . so , tggu bukak skola la kot . x pon mase amek result ti .

Oohye . aq still x wat keputusan lg nk masok skola mane . nk amek aliran ape . SAINS TULEN ataw AKAUN ? anybody … help me ! aq hope sangatsangat aq boley keluar dri sekolah tu . da terlalu bnyk kenangan kat sane yg aq tamo ingt . MR.R la . MR.CRAZY la . sume mendemende tu , aq nk lupe . dyorg da ade LIFE sniri yg mmg sangatsangat x memerlukan aq . aq pon x boleh nk letak harapan . hope , bile aq da keluar dri sekolah tu , LIFE aq xkn membawak maksud love is fuckin’ ever’ . nk LIFE aq membawak mksd yg lebeyh baek .
Kepade manusiemnusie yg pernah saye minat , (CASPER , ABG MIROL , MR. CRAZY ,
and MR.R
) don’t worry . cuz , after this , I’ll never appear myself in YOUR
beautiful LIFE ! NEVER ! walopon saye still suke kamukamu semua …

Dec 13, 2010

moody ~

Arini tade mood lgsg . mne la mood aku menghilang . just dok terperap dlm bilik je . without eat . without study . without phone and without anything . just alone in my ‘suram’ room . hmm ~~
Pkol enam kuar bilik . g tgk tv kejap then , terpke nk pegi amek majalah e-pop kat kdai . alangalang duet tgh bnyk kn . then kuar la . bile dah amek , terpndg mjlah klik pulak . cover MCR . nothing sgt la . then tgk kat ruangan poster . ade rihanna , nick jonas , and ….. omo ~ my lovely JUSTIN BIEBER !! *shouting . then , amek la jugak . ta pasalpasal arini lapan inggit duet aq melayang . adoiadoi . tp , ta menyesal sangat pon . sbb mmg da lme harap KLIK kuaarkan poster JUSTIN BIEBER . akhirnye , ape yg aq tunggutunggukan dapat jugak . huu ==’
Tp still . mood xde . haish ! sape agakagaknye yg bole wat mood aq dtg balek ? sape ? sape ? hurm … *blank . so , time magrib td pegi masak tok mkn malam jap . da abes masak tuh , solat and start terperap dalam bilik . hmm . arini pon kurang bercakap pon . just nanges jeh . ntah la kenape emo sangat arini . tengatenga nanges , tertido pulak ! sdar x sdar da pukol 11 lebeyh . ape lg . tros tron cri smthing nk makan . lapor tahap cipan . bru aq sedar , dri semalam aq x makn . gilo ! pas mkn naek balek and solat . and skunk update blog . hurm . still mood ta datangdatang . nk kate miss someone ? but who ? da tade sapesape kat ati aquh . yg ade cume LIFE aq je . td aq ade mencelah tgk pic MR.R . but , still . mood tamo dtg kat aquh .
Mood !! balek la smule kat aquh ! I NEED YOU !!

Aq bnci idop aq yg skunk . rase cm nk mati jeh . rele mati . tp , still
bnyk dose yg ta tebos lg . huu ==’ .

somebody ! plisz . help me .

Dec 11, 2010

waktu duludulu

Today , first day dalam waktu cuti bgon awl . haha . yea ! i'm still a girl ! merapu !! awl ke bende . x tido pon malam td . dok lyn cite playful kiss . mmg la taleyh tido . ngn watakwatak Oh Ha Ni yg lucu . pergh . muke comel Baek Seung Jo and Oh Ha Ni . comel sesangat . huhu . geramgeram !!

Bwu pas solat . cam nak mnunjuk . tp bkn lah tu hakikatnye . td , pas solat ngaji jap . tringt duludulu mse primary school . mak sowh gi ngaji , ponteng . bungek ! naseb parents cepat notice kalo aq ponteng ngaji . just imagine if dyorg x notice . msti melekat habit PONTENG . ingt lg mse stndrd three . ponteng kelas beb . gilo ! baru stndrd three . but actually , kamikami tade niat pon nak ponteng . cume TERponteng . (erk?boleh ke TERponteng?) whatever . ni story die cmne bole jd TERponteng .

Hari tu , hari jumaat . mmg as usual kalo ari jumaat ceqguceqgu ade meeting . so
, kamikami yg rajen neh pon pegi ler ke library . (budak baik!) . after a while
, kitorg rase da lame sgtsgt kitorg kat dlm library . tp , still x nmpk kakikaki
ceqgu keluar dri bilik meeting . so , kitorg pon stay kat situ . suddenly ,
sorang budak dari kelas 3 Wira dtg at library . budak tuh ckp , “eh korunk ,
ckgu azida panggil . dy suroh msok kelas . sbb ade org ckp korunk sume ponteng
.” ape lg . kitorg sume tkot la nk masok kelas . kitorg suroh budak tuh pegi
msok kelas dulu . nnty kitorg msok . budak tu pon blah la . kitorg pon
discussdiscuss .
Mangsa satu : eyh . nk buat ape neh . ckgu da ckp kite
ponteng . tkot la nk masok kelas . ti ckgu mara .
Mangsa due : haah la . nk
buat ape neh ? tkottkot !!
Mangsa tige : lek rr . jgn la tkot . kite pegi
suraw nk ?
Mangsa due : nk watpe pegi suraw ?
Mangsa tige : kite kemas
suraw .
Mangsa satu : nk wat ape kemas suraw ? baek msok kelas . ti lagi lame
, lagi ceqgu mara .
Mangsa empat : haah . btol tuh . bek masok kelas
Mangsa tige : xkn korunk nk kene mara ngn cikgu .
Mangsa lime : abes ,
kalo nk kemas suraw , ti ckgu msti tnye sape suroh .
Mangsa tige : ckp la
ustazah yg suroh .
Da abes discuss tuh , kitorang wat keputusan tok x pegi
suraw . sebaliknye msok kelas . OTW nk msok kelas , ade org dtg kat kitorg ckp
yg ceqgu azida da mara gilegile . sume lg gabra nk masok . tp pengawas yg jumpe
kitorg tuh pkse msok jugak . bile msok tuh , kene tayang muke kat depan kelas .
limelime kene cubit . abes time ckgu azida , recess . limelime pegi toilet .
nanges r kan . berie mara kat manusie yg mulut cm gmpang ckp kitorg ponteng .
xpasalpasal aq pon kene mara ngn mak aq kat sekolah tu jugak . hadoi . malu xyah
ckp la . rase nk letak muke kat dlm baju je . huhu . kenangan yg taleyh lupe .
first time ponteng .

Second time ponteng mase form 2 . mse tuh naughty sangatsangat !!

waktu tuh mase kh . min x dtg . yg dtg aq n bogi jeh . taw la . kitorg due ,
duedue x suke kat ckgu kh tuh . tige mase beb . meronde stu sekolah . kebetulan
, jiha yg ert pon nk join . ha ! ape lg . tigetige satu kepale . suke wat keje x
betol . memule , dok kat blok F la . pastu g library . mrayap kat kelas
budakbudak yg kitorg minat . mse tuh , bogi minat BOOBIE . aq minat kat abg
. jiha , erm . x sure la pulak . so , pusing bnykbnyk kali dpn kelas dyorg
. da habes mase kh , msok kelas . kecoh dakdak PD . kate ckgu mara la . bg saman
smpai 30 mate la . sume pakat wat kecoh . bile time balek skola tuh , terjumpe
ckgu kh , dy snym je kat ktorg . mcm nothing happen . esok nye , kitorg pon
jumpe ckgu . mintak maaf . sowh ckgu tarek balek saman kitorg . ruperupenye ,
ckgu x bg saman pon . saje je dakdak PD wat tkot org .

tahon ni blaja ngn ckgu tuh jugak . tp , tahon neh ,everything oke jep . tade masalah ngn ceqgu tuh . huhu .
Tp , this year , dpt tahu ade budak ponteng kelas cikgu Zaiton . ingt nothing jugak . ruperupenye ckgu siap kol parents budak tuh . gile rr . naseb baek mase aq ponteng aritu , ckgu x amek tindakan . selamat . fuhhh !!!

Sayang jugak ckgu Zaiton kat kamikami . maafkan say eek ckgu , kalokalo
ade ter ngumpat ckgu . tahon neh , ckgu gmpak gile !! haha .. love you ==’

mlm td and malam semalam x borak pon ngn budak tuh . rndu la pulak sore dy . perangai dy . hadoi . tp , tkot nk kol or msg dy cuz dy tuh daa ade girlfriend . hmm . so , tunggu je la until ade magic yg bule mnyebabkan budak tuh nk cntct ngn aku , ataw lebeyh dari tu . huhu =='

Dec 9, 2010

my life

Smlm tido lewat . lewat sesangt . kol empat pagi baru jumpe bntal . pastu kene lak bgon kol enamsetengah . nak solat . ingt pas solat nk tido tros . tp , mak mintak tlg dy masak . so , bkk mte besarbesar g tolong die kat dapor . kol lapan pagi , mk pon kuar . gi hospital . aq ape lg . naek bilik nk smbg tido . bru nk lelap , mk kol mintak tolong idai bju . tron balek n idai bju . mate tros tamo tutop . dok dpn tv , lyn citecite katon . ta sedar pon bile terlelap . bgon tak bgon kol satu tgh ari . lmbt bebenor . naek ler kat bilik nk amek towel ngn baju . bkak fon ade msg dri mr Crazy tuh . hadoi . msti dy kate aq neh pompuan x elok . org bgon pagi . aq , mate hari atas kepale bru nk bgon . hadoi . miza..miza.. bungek tol bile pke balek . biar la . nk kesah ape . dy pon da ade awek . hadoi . sedeyhsedeyh . da siap lunch , naek bilik . dgr lagu then , tertido lg . bgon lak kol tigesetengah . bile bgon tros kemas umah . mak kan nk balek kol empatsetengah . so cepatcepat kemas . ta sedar pon da pukol empatsetengah . da la x siap lg nk g hsptal . hadoi . mse tuh , Tuhan je la tahu tkot ta tkot nye mak mara . luckily , mak x mara . so , cepatcepat siap nk g hsptal . smpai sne , sumpah xtahan sejuk . so , dok sne until pukol tujoh malam . rse nk beku ajeh . da abes time lawat tuh , balek n dudok ngadap laptop . edit gmbo . haha .

Pic neh baru ajew snap . tataw la nape gatalgatal nk snap . tp , aq bersyukor sangatsangat kat Allah sbb bg aq rupe paras yg cm neh . sbb , kalo dulu muke aq tayah ckp r . aq sniri x lalu nk tgk rupe sniri . huduh sesgt . ade bnyk pimples . skunk , muke aq pon da hmper pulih dri pnykit jerawat neh . ALHAMDULILLAH . geL !

once and lala

Hamster yg naughty sangatsangat . suke giget tgn aquh . ape sedap tah kulit jari aquh smpai dyorg suke makan . haha . tp , dyorg mmg naughty . dah la suke gadoh same dyorg . malammalam mesti buat bising . nk tido pon susah . haha . TAPI , aq still syg mereke . swonok tgk dyorg berebot tgn aquh . haha .

kechek and atam

Neh lagi satu pets aq . naughty jugak . kalo time dyorg nk maen , mmg taleyh bla rr . msti gigitgigit kaki org . tangan org pond y gigit . BUT , kalo time dyorg manje , asyik nk cium jeh . kadangkadang serabot rse . tp nk wat cmne an ? kucing aq jugak . naughty ke ape ke . aquh punye . trime je la . duedue neh mmg boleyh wat aq rse free . kalo ngah tension , maen ngn dyorg tros ta ingt sal mnde yg mnyaketkan ati tuh .


huh . tired sgt arini . seharian ngadap blog smatemate nk edit page nih . pndai tol aq . *prasan! td again borak ngn mamat crazy tuh . ade ke patot ajuk ape yg aq tules kat blog . budak...budak... hadoi . tp still . npe aq xleyh nk mara kat dy gilegile ? bile mara kan org yg aq suke sgt2 , bole wat aq jd x suke kat insan tuh . mcm MR.R . bodoh ! oke . yg tu nnty story . hmm . untong ida dpt mr.crazy tuh . lovely gile . comel pon comel . ramah + sewel . perfect ! hmm . da r . nothing nk cite sal budak tu lg .

ptg td msg ngn wan lg . smpai bile aq nk kene msg ngn dy ? bukan aritu da perang smpai tamo msg keh . tp , msg jugak . ape ade tah kat mamat neh smpai aq syg babengbabeng kat dy . hadoi . bile gado mule r pelok bear kuatkuat pastu nanges cm baby . smpai bile msti jd cmtuh ?

aq da tired la ngn lovelove neh . tetibe jd mlas nk cintan . asal ?org yg aq
salu sebot 'aku sayang' pon aq dah x sayang . tp suke tu ade la . skunk , dah
tade insan tersayang & tercinte dah kat dalam hati aq . rase free gile otak
aku skunk . that's why single is simple ! haha

hurmm . mud aq da bertukar . aq rse nk mara sgt skunk . sbb td on9 n ade lak smthing yg mnyaketkan jd . mmg bolok . arghh ! *shout

kali neh , aq mmg rse nk bunohbunoh plus tikamtikam manusie yg nme MR. R neh . tahu ? sial x sialnye mamat neh . hadoi . tayah ckp rr . mmg taik lembu tol . mulot cm longkang . ckp x tapistapis . hape kaw ingt kaw tuh encem gilegile keh ? harap ade style jeh . dah la bodoh . pastu nk maen ckp jeh . eyh tolong sikit . aq x hingin pon kat kaw yg muke cm lembu tuh . ckop r stakat sifat kaw yg setie . lembot ati aq tgk kaw . tp , lepas tahu prangai kaw cm kambing , tros jd x hingin nk kenal ngn kaw . X HINGIN TAHU ? kaw memang dayus !! nk setie pon bertempat la . jgn la buat awek kaw bnci aq tolol . aq ni pompuan ade hati tahu ? sejuta kali aq suke kaw keh , sayang kaw keh , cinte kaw keh , tp kalo once kaw da couple , aq xkn disturb la . aq bkn pompuan yg suke bergado ngn pompuan . ape lg msam muke ngn pompuan pasal laki . AKU BUKAN JENIS TU tahu ? ckop la kalo gado dgn manusie yg jntinanye lelaki . bkn pompuan . aq xkn sesekali gadoh ngn org yg same gender ngn aq . tp sbb kaw , aq dah ad msoh yg sme gender ngn aq . kaw tenongtenong balek . lepas kaw ckp kat aq kaw dah taken , ade aq kaco kaw ? awek kaw pon aq x care . aku x hingin same sekali . aq tahu weyh awek kaw cantek . okeh , kite tengok , smpai bile kaw bertahan ngn pompuan tuh . dah la . ni pertame kali aq doakan something burok jadi org . aq harap suatu hari nnti , kaw mnyesal dgn perbuatan kaw neh . harap kaw kecewe seumur hidop . aminnnn !

Dec 5, 2010

one more time !

wah ! arini tuka jawatan lg . mule2 jd datin . pas jadi datin , jd tukang masak lak . and skunk ? jd personal nurse . yela . nk wat cmne an ? patient tu pon kkak aq gak . hmm . tp nurse yg ta gune . mne xnye ? nurse tido . haha . kol 5 ptg bru care patient . tp , care la jugak kan ? hmm . mlm just dok terperok dlm bilik . ta wat pape . then tertido . sedar ta sedar da kol due pagi . nk wat pe lg . da taleyh tido . tgk kat fon ,ade stu missed call . guess who ? haha . dak yg aq gilegile toh . tp nk wat cmne . nk kol ta btaw . so , ta borak la ngn dy .

wah ! aq study smlm . taleyh dipercayai . da la study bio . abes gak due bab . sng gak upenye . haha . hadoi . mne stu ptot aq msok ea ? teknik or vokasional ? mrsm or sbpi ? hadoi . susa gak bile da besa neh an ? hadoi . tp , hope sesgt msok mrsm . hehe .

hey kkamu ! budak . kol sy lg okeh ? ta puas ler borak ngn kamu . mr . crazy ! haha

hmm . smlm . ta msg ngn wan . rndu kamu syg . tade kdit . sume sbb mr . crazy r neh . adoii . tapi tape . aq ta kesah pon . haha .

Dec 4, 2010

sweet moment ~

wah ! lame sunggoh ta update blog . tade feel . mlm neh trase feel nak mencoret isi hati kat blog .

mlm neh sumpa terkejot . rase ta percaye . dak yg aq gile22 kan slame neh kol aq . biar betol . sala makan ke hape . tp oke la . kamu mmg gile . haha . x tahan ckp ngn dy . salu ladies first . hmm . mlm smlm , mse jmpe dy , sumpah caer tgk dy . bapak gile sweet nye . encem . tape . len kali if jmpe dy lg , aq na amek gmba ngn dy . mmg ta rugi sape yg dapat dy . encem pon encem . bijak pon bijak . setie pon setie . (setie keh ?) bengong . tp mmg best gilew . xkn lupe la mlm neh . haha .

hmm . tp , sbb budak tu kol jugak la aq hmper gado ngn mnusie yg aq syg sgt22 . hadoi . dy jeles upenye . lupe ! sape x jeles bile mkwe dy ckp ngn laki laen . tp nk wat cmne an . kot la aq nk letak je . ti budak tuh trase lak . hmm .

kamu ! believe la . sy always syg awk sowg jeh . walopon sy mnat
brmacammacam org , tp awk ttap pnting dalam idop sy

sukar tok dipercayai bile dy jeles . hadoii . salu dy ta penah jeles pon . kamukamu . lucu lah .

hmm since my sis da ade bf baru , dy nmpk hepi sesgt . sronok bile tgk dy cmtu . bf dy romantik sgt . bg hamster la . bg bear la . wa ! sumpa sy jeles . haha . tringin dpt hdiah cmtu . tp xpe . da booking kat budak yg kol aq tuh sowh bg next year . haha .

siape la mmat nih an ? kat fb aq bnyk muncol nme neh . dy hensem sgt keh ? tp xpe . aq still suke dy . tp still sdeyh cuz ta dpt dudok dlm hati dy . sjak bile la aq suke mmat yg bername R nih ? dulu S . skunk R . pasni K lak . pasni ? bungek ! skrng la . gile x ? in one time , suke due org . satu R , satu K . hmm . xpe . minat jeh .

bile agaknye aq berpeluang na date ngn someone ? kalo ade pluang date ngn S msti best sbb S hensem . em , R lak sbb dy setie . K ? enta . romntik kot . kazen aq ckp K romntik . yela kot . hope jd knyataan . haha . brangan lebeyh .

hmm . ckop untok kali neh . kalo ade cite best22 , update lg . haha .

my veryvery lovely person , AFIQ HAZWAN , saye
syg awq sgt22 .

budak yg kol aq tuh , gnti balek kdit akak . haha .

Sep 2, 2010

life is GOOD

fuh .. lmenyew ta jengok blog .. wndu wndu .. haha .. gege ..

finally abes gak .. yes yes ..

RESULT ??!! hmm .. hncor .. sedey nyew la .. cmne na wat pemohonan ?? ngok ngek myza .. tula . owg sowh blaja seboq na maen . bungek . da dpt skop pong tamo study .. PEMALAS .. haha . gege . bungek kutok dri sniri .. tp xpe . aq sedaw dri .. haha .. gege ..

lame ta cntct ngn awk . rndu glew . hmm . sowi syg . sabo ye .. raye ni kite cntct . hmm .. misz u muchie .

bile na msok topup pon tataw la . sian at dak cute . lme tggu kdit myza msok . hmm .. suwi .

SUHAYL .....
swonok seyh msg ngn awk . huhu . td pnjam pen kat kelas awk bukan saje na kdit gi jmpe awk . no time la na wat mnde2 gitu . tp td betol22 terdesak . huhu ..

Jun 19, 2010

windu22 kat blog .. lmenye ta update .. tp skunk pon still taleyh na update bnyk22 .. study22 .. ni pon curik22 bukak .. hope mk ta prasan .. misz blog a lot ..

cm bolok update blog ckit22 .. tp who care .. blog aq , suke aq la .. cinte wan slamenyew ..

May 14, 2010

hepi bufday

happy birthday..ida suda tue..jgn noty2 aw.. stie pade gileboy.. syg awok..hope kekal ngn dy forever..
haha.. soe late wish tok awok.. saje mls na wish kot fb or ms.. enta la.. tataw nape sye wat cm ni.. stupid tol saye.. saye da bce da blog yg terbaru awk update.. gosh.. sweet gilew suhayl.. ti ida kim salam at dye ea.. untung gilew jd ida.. suhayl sayang awok.. haha..

update sikit2 je.. tataw na tules pe lg..

May 13, 2010


nape msti jd problem cm ni ea? agak gampang la dak skowla pelabuhan tuh..
hey betine.. ko taw x? sbb ko faz taleyh msok camp skuad elite yg dye nk sgt2? ko taw x? sbb ko dye taleyh swim.. ko taw x? sbb ko faz dok dlm wad lme2..sbb ko faz taleyh wat ape yg dye nak?? taw x?? ko na jd lesbian pon jd la ngn owg yg na jd lesbian.. dye straight taw x?? dye still normal.. base betine gatal.. ish.. bnci sgguh aq kat ko.. vavi ko betine lesbian!!!!!!
ergh.. ta sal2 aq pown turut emo same sal dak pelabuhan uh.. exam myza.. minggu ni pegi skowla aq pkai eye liner.. wat mate galok.. haha.. trok tol.. langgar rule skowla.. aq bosan jd baek.. jd baek pon bkn leyh dapat ape aq nak pon.. nak ni ta dpt.. nak tu ta dapt.. suke aty la.. tp aq swonok je bile aq wat mnde2 uh.. fahmy salu puji aq comey.. even matt pon ckp cm tu.. haha.. segan pon ade gak.. huhu.. cam blagak lak citew2 mnde2 gini..

May 6, 2010


slase, rabu dok tlg ckgu zaiton jual air.. huh.. swonok.. ari slase uh tadop pape besh pown.. cume suhayl adew dtg lepak at situ sekejap.. then blah pi tgk org wat roket uh.. haha.. ari kolaborasi yang menyeronokkan.. lgpun ari slase uh tadop pape acare sgt.. yg adew pon yg datang mnyebok.. dating la.. na usha pakwe laa.. sape rr tu.. pke la sniri..

ari rabu yg besh ni.. tgk kawad farmasi ..haha..kadet polis cun skali.. bngge aq walopon ta msok.. tgh2 jual air ade jgk penyibok dtg.. tp ta pe rr.. dtg beli air.. kalo tg na gedix aq alaw ko.. penyibok.. tp ari rabu uh bnyk kali suhayl dtg situ ..ingt kan na jmpe mkwe dy yg ade at situ gak.. upe2 nye na tego aq.. tp aq ni an haliminan.. mne dy nmpk na tego aq.. last2 msg je mlm uh.. suhayl2.. lawak btoi awok ni..

mlm uh mule la letih sbb dok lari2 naek atas na tgk dyorg kwad.. ble tgk kot atas bru nmpk cntek dye.. da la ade pnyakit sempot still na lari2.. myza dgil ..pastu mlm tido ajew.. ta study ..bru ingat na ponteng skowla ari kames.. tp na wat cm ne adew org bg aq smngat g skowla esok.. tros smngat.. huhu..ta de la nnti tinggal kelas agy..

aish..skunk ni nga sket otak pke na exam..subjek fom 1 n fom 2 lom cover pape lg.. hatoii.. sdey tol.. smpai memember aq pon tension nengok aq tension.. haha.. sori member2..sme2 tension bru adil..

Apr 27, 2010

skola life

arini cm bese bgn kol 6 pg..
iron bju, mndi, salin jadual, mkn, salam mak n ayh, tepon g-ha, jln kaki g skowla nan g-ha..
smpai skowla je, announcement da abes..
sblm smpai tpak perhimpunan jmpe dak uh..
pastu abes assembly, g koop fotostet.
naek kelas Datin da msok kls..
so cm bese sape lmbt dok luar..
tp Datin still bg msok..
abes time sej, time sc..
recess...yea..mkn time..
kringgggnaek kls, cqgu bm da msok..
arini aq kne blakon..
actingactingacting yg na story..

mse seni ceqgu tuti ta msok..ceqgu ass ganti..dye an ceqgu dy pown motivate ktowg..mse dye motivate tu bwu aq ingat pmr lg 6 takmo jd last minit person..tkot ti msok dewan exam pale blank sudaa..takmo result ta dpt cm yg di harapkan..sdey..rmai ceqgu da tolong aq tok dpt kejayaan..ti ari guru aq na beli adiah kat cikgu 'tutt' coz dy la ceqgu yg salu tolong aq..dye ade gak sowh ktowg tulis subjek yg ssh na skor..ble pke2 ade 5 subjek yg aq ssh na aq just ley target dri aq 3 A je..mne boleyh.. ceqgu 'tutt' tu target aq 8 A meyh...fighting mYza...

abes seni math..
mse math ade lg kejadian..

kalo mende alah tu msti di kaitkan dgn 'MATT'... llaki pujaan aq ckp sgguh..kali bkn dy..dy terlalu innocent arini..sume owg yakin bkn kls kami di khianati..n disebabkan ke tu, sume dak kelas aq,(3 AKTIF) - (kelas first uh) kene bertanggungjawab mncari sape yg baling mende alah tu dlm kls ktorg.. kalo ta,ktowg nye nme aq di beri SAMAN..arghhh..tamoo..

then abes la subjek math yg mnyeronokkan tu..
pastu jln2 g KH nyew bengkel..
ermm..tu je kowt incident yg jd arini..
hoho..hope jumpe owg yg baleng mnde alah tuu..

pade sape2 yg bace blog ini...plisz la doakan sye pt catch up subject yg sye taleyh na skor uh....
aja aja FIGHTING..

Apr 22, 2010


huh~~!!tired rr..smlm and arinie di lwn chess..pke strategi na jln uh lg ssh dri pke na jwb exam..hush..but....i'm satisfied with what i'm doing..resultnyew dpt no 7..ish..satu ye under 18 an..agak ssh..sumenyer aq leyh dpt no 7..bngge uh..

game uh ade 7 round..first round aq lwn ngn akak fom 5 dri skowla paye besar kat meja no 22..ssh gak akak Tuhan tolong mng..abes men aq g r lpk2..pastu pairing da kuar..tgk2 aq kene lwn ngan dak cine..mmg kecot gilew na mati..lwn punyew lwn, mmg aq kalah..jangkaan yang tepat..mse lwn ngan cine uh aq dok meje 11..sbb kalah so kene trun..lwn kat meje no 24..ish..jaoh gilew..lwn ngan dak skowla tu jgk..and once again Tuhan tolong mng game aq dpt naek meje tok game ke 4..but kat meje yg sme..iaitu meje 11..lwn ngn dak MGS..skola dak pompuan sungguh kate akak uh wat slack gilew aritu kat aq..da touch uh move je dgil..akak..kalo rule dye touch n move,means touch move tak..da la twice dye wat gitu..mse first uh dye carot kat aq..dye kate..ish..shit la je aq jawab ko yg shit..bkn men tamo ikot rule..(sebijik cam abg aq..baleng ang,ta smpai bumi smule)second pun yg kali ni dy sala pegang QUEEN..kalo dye gerak aq mkn QUEEN dy..mgkin sbb tu dy naek angin..pastu dy kate soe kate r..ta boleyh kak..da touch kene move..then dy wat keras at situ..tamo ckp..kalo akak tamo tarek balek sye pggil abitor..pastu dye kate ape taw..ish celake mng sgt..ambek rr..ta gne..eii..vavi aq least dye bg aq mng bodo conclusion mng 3 n kalah 1..

keesokan dok meje 3 lwn..mybe sbb mng kne lwn ngan dak MRSM n aq mng lg..second uh aq lwn ngn dak skowla SHAKS kat meje 4 mng coz akak tu give up..and my last chance na mng tok mewakili lwn ngn akak skowla MRSM lg..time tu aq dok meje ..rule tok last game, meje first n second kene men pkai kalo kene pkai jam,aq jd gabra r..then aq kalah..ish2..sdey aq..

tp bgos gak sbnrnyew aq ta dpt wakil negeri..bln ni jew aq bnyk miss kelas..aritu camp 4 ari..pastu choral speaking..seminggu ta msok klas..then chess due ari..hush..mmg ta aq da skip 1 tjok..math pon 1 tjok..geo n sej pon sme..mmg tak r..kene study da la taleyh study sniri..msti lentok..xspecially sej n geo..math lg r taleyh..ta phm cm ne jln kire sniri..

tape r..sape2 yg bce blog nih, doakan aq dpt catch up yg aq tetinggal sblm aq msok dewan exam..

Apr 5, 2010

msg from 킴 ki bum

To Leeteuk:
Eeteuk hyung is like a brother and a father. I have always tried to be a child that he doesn't have to worry about, even though I know that he feels helpless that I don't always fit in, but he has always supported me. Sometimes I will even tease that him sacrificing his idol image to be funny is useless, but he knows that I still care a lot for him, and don't want him to be so tired. And then one day he faced the camera and said while smiling, actually Kibum is the one child I have always worried about, not caring about how many tears he has shed but still shouting my name. He's even willing to once again sacrifice for my sake. [TN: I'm not sure if he's referring to himself or what Eeteuk said] Eeteuk hyung, Kibum loves you, and so I will always walk with you to the end.

Heechul hyung, to me, is the most special. At first we couldn't get along with each other. You didn't like my informality to you, and I didn't like you
treating me differently than everyone else. And then fate brought us together, during those days filming Rainbow Romance, I slowly started understanding you, and you started accepting me, and I became Kim Heechul's favorite dongsaeng. Until today, when I look at everything you've done for me, I can only choose to help you along, because that was how you cared for me. When you were in the car accident, and when you had the surgery, when Hankyung hyung wasn't with you, I was with you. So Heechul hyung, you have always used your strength and persistence to protect me, so Heechul hyung, Kibum won't disappoint you.

Hankyung hyung, I feel like we are very similar. For a dream, you traveled far from your home, while I for my dream, returned to my home. But we were both far from our families, had no friends, and had to start over. It was a lot like returning to those three years when I first arrived in America, I didn't have friends and I couldn't communicate. Those days were hard to endure. Hankyung hyung would smile a warm smile every time, and his strength made me ashamed of myself. Hankyung hyung, those days being in the middle [not fitting in] were hard, right? Charging forward and retreating were both difficult. I think I understand you, and I think you understand me as well. We are both two children who wander for our dreams. Hankyung hyung, even with everything going on now, can we still walk together? I think we will never give up.

Yehsung hyung, I admit that you can sometimes make people speechless. You're always making jokes and spasming no matter where we are or what mood we're in. But Jongwoon hyung, your voice is what I envy the most. I know you are SJ's irreplaceable main vocal. But to create that funny atmosphere you hurt your idol image. Actually, away from the camera, you are very charming, and you always quietly do your share. The strong little boy from Chungnam has become a reliable mountain. Jongwoon hyung, even though sometimes I'll forget, but I know you are a big parent of the SJ family. Without you, Teuk hyung wouldn't be able to withstand it all.

Kangin hyung, no Youngwoon hyung. Everyone says that if there's a kind mother in a family, then there must be a strict father. You are that strict father. But I know that in actuality your heart is the softest and easiest to pick on. You take up all the burdens yourself, protecting even Teuk hyung. When we were filming the movie you said you were going to work hard for SJ, and really was fighting hard for us, as a person who discarded the idol singer image and has only a face. [aka is human] When we first debuted, I know I was the cover boy, and was in charge of popularity, but now that I think about it, I really wanted you to take care of me, and tell everyone "this is my dongsaeng, an equally excellent actor, he doesn't just have a pretty face". Youngwoon hyung, I'll follow you, and believe you, all the way to the end.

Shindong hyung, happy and chubby Shindong hyung. I know that when we first debuted you had the most pressure, with all the debate about you. What they don't know is, to choreograph our charming dances, how many all-nighters you pulled. Today, you have already become a 100% talented fellow. While I am proud of you, I feel ashamed, and want to say Shindong hyung thank you, don't ever say anymore of those "I'm dragging down SJ's popularity so I'll quit". Without you, our dances wouldn't be as organized and synchronized. Without you, who would rap with us? So you have to wait for me, to once again stand up on that stage with you, and we'll shout out our name together.

Sungmin hyung, the one in charge of cuteness in SJ. Hehe, aren't our laughs similar? Fans describe us similarly. You're a cute rabbit, but have they ever seen you practicing martial arts? Actually, you're a tough man. Stubborn, and aren't willing to shed a single tear. When we won the big award at the end of the year, when we were standing at our highest, you watched us all in a crowd, crying, and comforted each one of us, smiling, and refusing to cry. Offstage, you had your head bowed, and i knew you were crying for everything we've gone through in the past. Sungmin hyung, you said that you have 6 hyungs, and 6 dongsaengs, so you have to be strong and couldn't cry. Sungmin hyung is the most overall perfect person, because of you, I feel like I don't have to worry about anything.

Eunhyuk hyung, hey, Lee Hyukjae! Are you crying again? You're so silly, a crybaby. Yeah, if you weren't silly, why would you give up so many chances just to be with your good friends? If you weren't silly, then why would you slip out to meet with his fans to cheer him on without him knowing when he debuted before you? If you weren't silly, then you wouldn't have pretended to be cool and fine but secretly cried for a month. Silly people have their happiness. In SJ, you are the main dancer. This position, no one can take from you. Oh, right, you can also write songs and lyrics. We really can't see from your appearance that you also have a passionate side. Hey, Lee Hyukjae, like before, divide your raps half and half with me, we can do it together. You have to wait for me. And guys really lose a lot of face when they ccry, okay? Also, don't lie to me. I have had enough of your "image control". Remember, you have to wait for me.

Donghae, my Lee Donghae. I won't call you hyung, because I feel like I'm the hyung, a hyung that should protect you. My Lee Donghae has a pair of unforgettable eyes, your smile is so pure and innocent, causing my ice cold heart to melt in an instant. I still remember when I first came to Korea, a completely foreign environment. It was you who was the first to hold out your hand, it was you who hugged the really scared me. Let's be brothers forever, okay? Lee Donghae is Kim Kibum's best friend, I'll be your hyung okay? When your father died the impact it had on you I can never forget, but I couldn't spend too much time comforting you, because I have to stick to my work. I can't let other people look down on us right? Lee Donghae is the kindest person, Teuk hyung said that us two were the two children he trusted the most. When you're in China, don't be homesick. Follow Geng hyung, I believe you can do it.

Siwon hyung, I finally got to you. Choi Siwon, are you really an angel? Or did the environment you grew up in not allow you to see evil in the world? You know, you gave me a lot of pressure. While I looked at you I often felt ashamed of myself. I still remember you hanging around the me hiding in the corner, wanting to be my friend. At that time, your face was so sincere, I felt that this world really did have angels. At that time you saved me? Me, a person who came from such a different background and environment, was able to become your friend. Maybe when I'm tired I should do as Kangin hyung suggested, whine and act cute and say I'm tired, and not stick it out all alone. I think Siwon hyung, you would help me right? It's been decided, I want to rely on you, because your shoulders are the most reliable. Don't let go, okay?

Ryeowook-ah, the hyung who is only older by a few days, and yet always calls himself the magnae. To me, you are the 100% magnae, a dongseng always needing to be taken care of and cherished. When we first debuted, you were the last one who took Junyoung's place and joined us. You had the aura of only having trained for a few weeks, but they never saw how much you worked. In such a short time, you went from a cute chubby boy to your current image. How much did you suffer? I only know that you can never gain weight and be like you were before. Ryeowook-ah, without me by your side, is it hard to get used to? Don't worry and don't cry, I'm still waiting for you to sing and play piano pieces for me. Kim Ryeowook is the best, SJ's eternal magnae, we have to be the magnaes that the hyungs would be the most proud of right?

Kyuhyun Cho Kyuhyun I feel that you are the one that causes the hyungs to have the most headaches. A stubborn evil child. Armed with your magnae status, who knows how many times you have picked on the hyungs. But every time I see your smile after your evil plan has been achieved, I'm not angry at all. Because you have finally shown who you really are. As the last member to join SJ, you had a lot of hard times at the beginning, do you still remember? When fans gave you your first present, you had disbelief all over your face. When you sang on stage, you made everyone proud. It was almost like you were born to be in SJ. After that hellish training, you have finally grown up. When you get back to the dorms you purposely ignore your hyungs, and go directly to bed. You really are an evil child. When you dragged your still healing body to give the 2jib a complete stage, I was really worried. Today, you are standing on the stage calling for me, just as we called for you. Because of this, hyung will be back soon. You GameKyu, just wait for my PK with you. Watch me beat you!