Oct 21, 2013


Assalamulaikum and hi <3

See my title above? Haha, I done my part. Easy? Dunno. You have to be in the situation only you can feel it.

As my experience, wake up in the morning is the hardest thing for me. But, I believe in my roommate. So, they wake me up today. Thanks.

First must have breakfast. Because once you enter the quarantine room, you cannot go out. Only with emergency case will be entertain. Kena masuk awal sebab dia nak briefing. Masa dalam bilik kuarantin tu, kita boleh buat apa je. Practice with group-mate. Memang akan rasa like butterfly in the stomach (nervous). But, must chill. Takut nanti tak boleh bercakap.

Masa sesi soal jawab, kalau boleh tanya every single word yang ada. So, akan ada masa yang lebih untuk brainstorming. Tapi still tak boleh pegang pensel.

But, believe this. Once you finish it, you will be release. That only from me. Thank you. CHU :*

Assalamulaikum and bye <3

Oct 16, 2013


Assalamulaikum cinta <3
"jiwang hang miza"

Again? Yehh, again to face kmj. Adakah aku seronok? TAKK!!! Kalau boleh aku ni taknak balik. Tapi dah tanggungjawab aku. Aku jugak mintak belajar jauh. Padan muka.

Aku kena kuat. Reason is dia orang harap sangat aku dapat tinggi. So, aku kena kerja kuat lagi lah ni. Dahlah aku ni bukan main lagi tahap kemalasan. Tinggi bebenor. Aduihh. And because of this aku merindui diri aku yang dulu. No wonder muka aku semakin tua. Arghhh, tidak!

Hurm,, suddenly aku tertukar mood. Dengar pulak lagu ni. Aku TAKNAK balik. Jiwa aku tak tenang! Aku nak duduk dengan mak aku. Aku tak boleh bila ada orang sakitkan hati dia. Dia sangat bersabar dengan sekeliling dia. Semua orang pun buat salah. Tapi kenapa kau tak boleh terima salah dia macam dia accept kau punya salah? Be fair lahh.

Untuk awak, lima tahun tu bukan sekejap. Selama lima tahun, banyak benda jadi. Bukan senang nak buang perasaan nihh. Walau macam mana pun aku cuba tipu diri sendiri, saya tetap sayang awak!

Oct 15, 2013

Just another day

"Salam Aidiladha :)"

Just another day for me, Alhamdulillah. Syukran. I have a lot to share but I don't thing I should.

Two weeks left before my final. Hope to get 4flat. But, look at my attitude. Hmm, seems like have to say bye bye to that. But I believe in Him. Still not too late for me to try smart right? I will.

Lately, I always thinking about my future. How my marriage life will be, what work I will do, where is my place with my future family. With my attitude. Oo Allah, gimmie strength! Less sleep please miza!!

Ohyaa! I had known someone and I really adore him. But, it is hard to find a very good behavior of men nowadays. Anyone agree with me? I hope so. I am also confious with all of my thought. Hurm,

      "people are judging and the way they judge really reflect theirselves"